
Installing SLES Stages

Maybe some people only recognize Ubuntu as the operating system kernel that runs on linux. So when I heard the word SLES will be a little confused. Previously we explain that SLES is a Server Operating Systems Company which is a component of SLE that runs from the Linux family.
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SLES is also part of SUSE Linux. SUSE Linux distributions Slackware was originally a German translation. There is some unofficial information saying that SuSE associated with the German computer scientist Konrad Zuse as the pronunciation of the same name. But who knows for sure, obviously this is an operating system with a high level of security.

Immediately, we told installasi stage. to install SLES on the server steps are as follows:

1. You touched your server to set the boot sequence to boot from CD or DVD drive.

2. Insert the SLES SP1 installation DVD into the DVD drive or your laptop computer, and turn on the server. For the first booting the SLES installer DVD will appear as shown below. In the options menu, select Installation and press enter.
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3. Furthermore the process of loading the installer will start up the installation process as shown below:
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4. Next you will be asked to approve the applicable license to install SLES on the server you like the look of the following:
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5. Then you will be asked to double check the installation media is used, it is necessary to prevent the install failed because the DVD is already disabled and others. But if you are reluctant, you can easily ignore this procedure.
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6. The next step installer will do the scanning and tracking hardware (hardware) used by the server, this process will take a while before continuing to the next process.
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7. At this stage the installer will prompt you to select the installation options available, whether from a new install, or upgrade your old version of SLES system. Because here we have a new install, then select New Installation.
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8. In this step you will be asked to determine the position of your location, and time zone you are using. It is necessary to determine the hours of your server later.
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9. SLES supports virtualization, for it is here given that choice. For the purposes of installing Zimbra choice fell on the first option, Physical Machine (Also for Full virtualized Guest)
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10. At this step is display a summary of what will be installed, if you are satisfied with the sum you can proceed to the next stage. But for the purposes of Zimbra, you must mehilangkan AppAmor. click on the "Software"
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11. Next you'll be taken to the detail page of software options, allowing you to search for and remove the Novell AppAmor Uncheck and then click OK.
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12. Next you will be asked to approve the license once again. Click on "Accept" to agree.
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13. Next you are asked to confirm the SLES installation process. Click the "Install" to begin the process.
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14. The next installer will soon begin installing SLES to your server. This process takes a few moments, depending on how fast your server. Which can be done when the process is waiting.
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15. If all goes well, the next step you will be asked to create a root password for system SLES. Due to the need for a server, create strong passwords and not easily guessed, such as mengabungkan numeric characters, letters and special characters. For example: f @ 5tnch34p, and others.
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16. After this the installer will ask you to specify the host name and domain for your server.
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17. In this step you are required to perform network configuration. All you need to do here is turn off the firewall by clicking on "Disable" on the firewall.

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18. Once you go through the process of testing a network connection, making the security certificate, and the authentication method, you will be asked to create a user name and password are used to run the SLES operating system later.
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19. After you read the release notes of SLES, and perform hardware configuration process. SLES installation process on the server you are done.
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20. After which everything goes as it should, you can now login and use your SLES, and ready to be configured for the purpose of installing an advanced stage with the Zimbra mail server.
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For those readers who do not understand how Zimbra installation phase with the free version, hopefully in the near future, the writer can put them in the article. Caused the tutorial is also very long, other than SUSE Zimbra can also be used for various activities such as data processing or any other multimedia device. And foremost, of course virus free.

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