
Bypass Password Windows XP & Windows 7

Bypass Password Windows XP & Windows 7

In this article I will share a bit of my experience when curiosity is how to rule the soul-By Pass Password Windows XP & Windows 7. Right away, prepare the equipment, here we use Hiren Boot V 10.6 and just downloaded:
Download Hiren
We only need one software application to help our work, Hiren's Boot 10.6 V has more or less size 200mb, pretty light is not it? But do not ask me again, there are many benefits. Guaranteed not to lose a 200MB file download this

If it please my friend downloaded file Hirennya Burn to CD and follow these steps:

Creating a Bootable Windows 8 from ISO

Creating a bootable Windows 8 flash or DVD from ISO

Generally the operating system, such as Windows 8 Developer Preview ISO file downloaded form should be changed so that it becomes bootable when will be used particularly in computers. Because if the ISO file is already on your hard drive and want to use a virtual machine does not require a change of the ISO to a DVD or flash drive bootable. Flashdisk selection course is intended for those laptop or netbook does not come with a DVD.

You can save the changes from the ISO file to extract this file to a flash or a DVD, it would require at least a DVD or flash drive with a capacity of at least 4 GByte. Today's DVD and stick with a capacity of 4 Gbyte widely and the price is relatively cheap. In addition to a DVD or flash drive, also required an application called Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool. The application is required to be installed on your computer, because without using this application you will have difficulty making Setup Files Windows 8 into the flash or DVD. If you will download the application Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool, take it from the site or download here: